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英语读后感《红与黑》Thewriterwritingunfolds,firstisentireFrenchsociety'sonetypicalwindow-----smallcityVarriale'ThearistocratisbornGermanSwitzerlandthatmayorisrestoresthedynastyinherehighestrepresentative,themaintenancerestorationpoliticalpower,PoorcollectionpostmanagerValnothepromiseoriginallyisthepettybourgeois,asaresultofhiresoneselfthechurchsecretorganizationsaintcanobtainthenowthefatdifference,TranscriptionhallFatherMaslonisthespywhichthechurchsends,allpeople'swordsanddeedsallunderhissurveillance,thetimewhichmutuallysupportsinthiskingplaceandthesacrificialaltar,Thesethreepeopleconstitute"ThreeheadsPolitic",reflectedtherestorationinfluencetheaspectwhichyouthecityarrogatedallpowerstooneselfinVButtheiropposite,isalargenumber,Stendhaldescribestothepeopleguaranteeskingpartymember'sbedomineeringandtyrannical,ontheonehandagainletthepeopledrawsuchconclusion:Graspshastheeconomicpotentialitythebourgeoisie,《TheRedandtheBlack》thebookincirculationrevolutionizedinJuly,1830before,EnglishHouse ItisthesameasreadothernovelsofDickens'tootoread"DavidCopperfield",Peoplefeeleverypersonage--Fromprotagonisttowardernotspeaking--Itisreadytoappear,ThisbecauseDickensverymuchcanplayupangrytoagreatextentAtmosphere,AtthetimeofwritingtoMMurdstoneteachDavidsuchashim,havepublishedaquestioninthisway:"IfIgotothecheeseshoptobuy4,000piecesofextraqualitycheeseinGloucester……"hewillitshowstobe"extraqualitycheeseofGloucester"indetailonly,butthissetoffappearpersonalityofMMurdstonevividlyevenmorejust--Mechanical,intendtoembarrassDHedescribesDavid'sbanquet,eachkindofvegetablesisnotdescribedwellatallinit,Whetherandthisitmakepeopleunabletofeelevenmorevividtoo,Canentersilkenteranddeductdetailofdescribing,itisobviousDHedrawssupportfromhispenTellreaderabundantimpressionofhimwhethermakereadersriseandfallofthehappiness,anger,双城记英文读后感 Afterreading"Ataleoftwocities""Ataleoftwocities"isoneofDickens'ThenovelprofoundlyexposedthesocietycontradictionbeforetheFrenchRevolution,intenselyattacksthearistocraticsocialclassisdissoluteandcruel,ThenovelalsodescribedmanymagnificentscenesliketherevoltpeopleattackedBastilleandsoon,whichdisplayedpeople'TDoctorManetteishonestandkindbutsuffersthepersecutionactually,Lucieisbeautifulandgentle,Charlesisgracefulandnoble,Lorryisuprightandhonest,Sydneyissemblanceofindifferent,innermostfeelingsofwarm,unconventionalbutalsoselflessandlofty,MissProssisstraightforwardandloyal,EThecomplexhatredishardtosolve,thecruelrevengehasmademorehatreds,lovesrebirthinthehelledge,Asanoutstandingwriter,inDickens'swork,Eachkindofrhetorictechnique,liketheanalogy,theexaggeration,thecontrast,thehumorous,andthetauntarehandledskillfully,"Ataleoftwocities"hasitsdifferencewiththegeneralhistoricalnovel,WiththebroadrealbackgroundoftheFrenchRevolution,theauthortakethefictionalcharacterDoctorManette'sexperienceasthemainclue,interweavestheunjustcharge,loveandrevengethreeindependencesbutalsoincidentcross-correlationstoriestogether,theplotiscriss-crossed,Theauthoruseinsertnarrates,foreshadowing,upholsteryandsomanytechniques,causesthestructureintegrityandstrictness,theplotwindinganxiousandrichoftheatricalnature,hestyle"Ataleoftwocities"issolemnityandmelancholy,fillsindignantion,butlacksthehumoroftheearlyworks英语读后感《飘》Scarlett,averypersonalityfigures,thetwomansshelove,Toher,Iwascompelledtoadmire,admireherstrongandbrave,admirehertolaydownintheenvironment,farmworkerspreviouslysufferededucation,Sheisinthewholestory,Iappreciatedmost,itisthis"T"Promisingforever,fulloffightingwill,willnevergiveup,IthinkI'So,wheneverImeetdifficulty,themoodisnotgood,Iwilltelloneself:"T"'GonewiththeWind'isabsolutelyagoodbookthatisworthsamplingrepeatedly,thecharactersaregraceful,theplotrisesandfalls,excitingboldlyandunconstrainedly,thoughthesubjectivefactorbecauseoftheauthoramongthem,theappraisalonUSA'sCivilWarisnotobjectiveandoverall,butastoangleofliterature,thisonefinepieceofwritinggenerationdefinitelyabsolutely,Title:TheLittlePrinceAuthor:AntoinedeSt-ExuperyMainCharacters:Thelittleprince,thepilot,therose,thefox,thesnake,DespiteI’venotinmychildhoodyet,Istillpreferreadingfairy-Thetales,whichaccompanywithmeinmyolddays,ThissummerI’vereviewthiskindoftale,It’stheworld-famousfairy-talebytheFrenchauthor,AntoinedeSt-Exupery,TheLittlePAsmanyotherfairy-tales,theoutlineofTheLittleP“I”,thenarratorofthestory,isapilotwhoseplanehassomethingwrongandlandsintheSInthisoccasion,thepilotmakestheacquaintanceofthelittleprince,alittleboyfromanotherplanet,theAsteroidBThelittleprincehasescapedfromhistinyplanet,becausehehassomequarrelwitharose,IOnhisall-alonejourney,thelittleprincemeetsdifferentkindsofpeople,whichincludesaking,aconceitedman,atippler,abusinessman,Fromthesepeoplehegetsaconclusionthatthegrown-Followingtheinstructionofthegeographer,hedescendsintheSahara,
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刚考研结束,被广外录取了,期间除了公众号鸡汤撑了半条命,还有几个经常用的英语公众号。 读看英文杂志这个公众号是广外师兄的公众号,之前在论坛上看了他的经验贴,因为广外的考试要看很多报刊提高阅读,所以就加了他的微信群,直接在里面拿PDF杂志了,后来关注了公众号精读,词条积累很重要,最后写作与翻译考了130分,非常感谢他。 MTI这个主要是给翻译同学推荐的,里面是散文翻译居多,作者分析很详尽,对学习翻译提供了很多思路,有时候自己想并不能面面俱到,其他人的补充很重要。 英文悦读这个公众号大家都知道的了,魏老师真的是大神,他的文章可以接触你学英语麻木多年的大脑,让你知道原来事实是这样。

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Reading journal “The midnight summer Dream” By William ShakespeareShakespeare is a famous play writer, and everyone think he writes good However, I didn’t liked it at all until our class have started to read “The midnight summer dream”, this means that even I didn’t like it, I’d still have to stare at the book Before I started reading it, I asked Alysia why people thinks Shakespeare’s books are so good while they’re so hard to understand and boring, and she agrees with The reasons why I think his books are so hard to understand because once I look at a book by Shakespeare, there were no sentences I could It was like reading another After reading few pages with the class, I realized that it isn’t so hard, because Mrs Douglass was explaining it; it makes it much easier to I also found out that the book is also funny by using modern English, like when the character Helena said, “My tongue should catch your tongue’s sweet melody” and it actually means “My tongue would catch your voice sweet ” After 3 days of reading, I found myself admiring Shakespeare’s way of writing, I don’t know why; it’s just that modern English sound really

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Richard Matheson who was born on February 20, 1926 ,is a famous American author and a He primarily works in the fantasy, horror, and science fiction Richard Matheson has a great influence on many other undead fiction Anne Rice stated that when she was a child Matheson's short story "A Dress Of White Silk" was a prime early influence on her interest in vampires and fantasy fiction(Williamson)During the summer term, we have learned a short story which was created by him on 1951, “Drink my blood” Although this was my first time experiencing his writing style, I am deeply I was shocked by the plot of the Despite his diction is very spare and simple, it made the portrait of tragic hero powerful and Following the reverent to the original story “Drink my blood” on the text book, I found that Richard Matheson had created another famous short story, “I am legend” which have been created as film version four “But among his fans, Matheson is most revered for “I Am Legend”, his 1954 apocalyptic novel about one man surviving in a world of blood-sucking ” (Collis) It is considered the most influential vampire novel in 20 th Comparing those two short stories, they have many common Setting: I am Legend was written in 1954 and set in the futuristic Los Angeles of the 1970’ The story describes the only man left living in a world full of Much of the book revolves around his struggle to secure his home against the nightly visits of the His earlier work“ Drink My Blood” was not set in a specific year。Plot:As same as Drink My Blood, the plot of I am Legend is connected to the horror Robert Neville is the last living man on the But he is not Every other man, woman and child on the planet has become a vampire, and they are all hungry for Neville's By day he is the hunter, stalking the sleeping undead through the abandoned ruins of By night, he barricades himself in his Home and prays for the Style:Horror genre, “Documentary style”(A review)Characterization: Robert Neville lives in As an archetype, in my view, he is created as both self and As human, he is a However, he has a tragic Just like Jules, the archetype in “Drink My Blood” They are both tragic To vampires, Robert is the only human who lives and fights with those zombies, he is the hero who commits himself to find the way to save the However, in the contrast, he could also be the shadow in the For the reasons, in the world where almost everyone has become a vampire, the inescapable result would be a new civilization of vampires as their characteristics and behavior would become the norm while the only surviving humans would be recast as He is the shadow in vampire’s He lives with sunlight, garlic, silvered He killed vampires in the day time even thought they were women or He had to do it in despite of he was struggling and At the end of story, the author illustrates that “To them he was some terrible scourge they had never seen, a scourge even worse than the disease they had come to live He was an invisible specter who had left for evidence of his existence the bloodless bodies of their loved ”(Matheson, “I am Legend”p76)Symbol: As in vampire fictions in general, symbol is extremely important in “I am legend" To enhance the characterization of archetype, Richard builds up a plenty symbolizations through the whole -Robert Neville’s house, the enclosing castleTo protect himself from the attacking of vampires every night, Robert placed a mass of garlic around his Again, as human being, that is his only way to In another view, in vampire’s world, Robert can be recast as “monster” that lives in the “remote Gothic castle” Much similar as Count Dracula that appears in the story “Drink My Blood” -The mirror he hangs up in the When “He looked at the distorted reflection of himself in the cracked mirror he'd fastened to the door a month ”(Matheson I am legend,p2), he just looked at his “cracked” soul as It illustrates that Neville teeters on the edge of sanity,

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